Category Archives: Articles 2022

Dancing shoes: What to wear on your feet?

When starting out, any light, comfortable soft shoes will do for dancing (so maybe not your Doc Martens). As long as they don’t fall off, you’re good to go. After you’ve been dancing for a little while and you decide it’s something you want to keep doing, it might be time to think about getting a pair of dancing shoes.

The club holds a limited number of second hand shoes which are available for a donation to the club. Talk to Kristin at club next time we dance. I’ve had my second hand shoes for six years now and they’re still fine.

There’s a range of dancing shoes to choose from. Photo: Loralee Hyde

Shoes for women

Women have a couple of choices for dancing shoes. There are ballet style pumps with an elastic draw string. These are easier to put on than shoes with laces and cheaper to buy.

Ballet style pumps Photo: McPhee’s

Then there are ghillie style pumps with long laces which feel more secure on the foot because of the laces. You don’t have to worry about your foot slipping out as it may do with the elastic pumps.

Ghillie style pumps Photo: Loralee Hyde

You can get both ballet style and ghillie style shoes with built-in cushioning. If you have minor foot problems or dance a lot and get sore feet, then the extra cushioning makes these very comfortable.

Alternatively you can use a variety of insoles for cushioning, and/or any orthotics you may have.

Shoes for men

Blokes generally use the ghillie style pumps with long laces that criss-cross over your foot and then wind round your ankle. These are a bit of a pain to put on but once on, they are very comfortable and feel much better to dance in than ‘normal’ shoes because they are light and soft.

Ghillies Photo: McPhee’s

These can also be had with built-in cushioning for extra comfort, or you can customise standard ghillies with your own cushioning which you cut to fit.

Jazz shoes for all

Some people prefer shoes that have a little bit more support than dance pumps can offer, or need a small heel if they have a tendency to achilles problems. Jazz splits offer both support and a small heel.

Jazz shoes Photo: Loralee Hyde

Where can you buy dance shoes?

Pumps (ballet and ghillie style) are available locally from McPhee’s, where Elaine Rowse is happy to answer any questions. If you would like to try on some shoes you can make an appointment to visit her in Karori. Phone 04 476 0139 or Ph/Text 021 587 315 or email

Jazz splits are available from Gubbs Shoes in Wakefield Street, Wellington and also from Dance Stop in Queen’s Drive, Lower Hutt.

You can of course also buy shoes online from other suppliers, but it can be hard initially to find the right shoe without trying them on.

Many thanks to Club President Kristin for a lot of the information in this article. She is definitely the person to talk to about dancing shoes.

Secretary: Robert Vale

Robert Vale
3 March 2022

A toe-tapping return to Scottish Country Dancing

At this time of year, many of us are thinking about starting new activities or perhaps returning to things we enjoyed as youngsters.

In January 2021, Khandallah resident Anne Holmstead saw Johnsonville Scottish Country Dance Club’s ads for beginners’ classes, bringing back memories of all the fun she’d had dancing as a teenager in the 1970s.

Anne recalls her first taste of Scottish Country Dancing as a teenager.

“My Mum sent myself, sister and brother to Saturday morning Children’s Classes in our local Blenheim community hall when I was about 13-years-old.”

“She said we stomped along rather than walking and thought it would help us to be lighter on our feet.”

“She was right.”

Anne (right) in 1970, presenting a thank you gift to her Marlborough Children’s Classes instructor in 1970.  Photo: Picture Corner, Blenheim 

And so, in February 2021, Anne was one of 30 beginners who gathered at Khandallah Town Hall on Monday nights to give Scottish Country Dancing a go.

The enthusiasm of tutor Rod Downey, and the support of Johnsonville Scottish Country Dance Club’s more experienced dancers, made her return to the dance floor as much fun as it had been all those years ago.

“My toes started tapping the moment I heard Scottish tunes, and although it is hard work dancing again after 40 years break, I love the exercise as well as the music.”

Anne stayed on to dance at weekly club nights, and “got fitter and my leg muscles stronger as the season continued.”

Club president Kristin Downey says it’s a thrill to see Anne back.

“It’s fantastic to see the pleasure people get as they re-engage with something they learnt as a child, and find the knowledge and body-memory returning.”

“Anne is no exception, with a big smile on her face whenever you see her on the dance floor.’

Anne at the left dancing with Maggie Boag at the Johnsonville April Tartan Night in Khandallah Town Hall in 2021

If you’d like to try Scottish Country Dancing, for the first time or as a returnee like Anne, come along to Beginners’ Classes at Khandallah Town Hall on Mondays 14, 21 and 28 February. No partner required.

Doors open at 7.15pm, $5/class (cash only), Wear flat shoes with soft soles, dress in layers for exercise, and BYO water bottle. Vaccine Pass and ID required.

See more information here or contact Robert 021 163-9649, or Kristin/Rod 04 478-4948

Published in the Independent Herald Thursday February 10, 2022

Read the article in the Independent Herald